$1.00 = 10 Years
Buy Vole Office Suite For $1.00 Now, Use It Until 2035!
Special Sale For 1 Year, Buy and Earn!
| $1.00 = 10年
现在花$1.00购买Vole Office套件,使用到2035年!
Purchase Notice
Vole Office suite is permanently free software. Therefore, you can use the suite without paying. Your payment will not increase the software functions, but you will get additional services as follows:
Provide customized user LOGO and user name.
Provide an Exclusive Genuine Pool, which is only used for designated users. Different from the Shared Genuine Pool used by all free users.
Users can obtain Vole Office genuine authorization certificate. If necessary, please apply 2 months in advance.
| 购买须知
Vole Office套件是永久免费软件。因此,您无需付费便可以使用该套件。您的付款不会增加软件功能,而是获得额外的服务如下:
用户可获得Vole Office正版授权证书, 如需要请提前2个月申请。
Vole Office suite includes: Vole Windows Expedition, Vole Word, Vole Excel, Vole Scheduler and Vole Diagram. Vole Office Suite provides the highest Ultimate function, supports commercial use, and is free to upgrade during the use period. The software does not need to be installed, a single EXE file, size 230MB, can also be used in a USB flash drive. Supports Windows7 and higher operating systems. Vole Office suite shows exclusive genuine pool and exclusive genuine licenses name with your specified name, which can be used for 10 years.

Vole Word and Vole Excel have been recommended twice by the famous Hong Kong HK01 website as perfect alternatives to Microsoft Office, and are a wise choice for enterprises and individuals. Vole Windows Expedition has been recommended many times by the American software sales website BITSDUJOUR and has a very high reputation.
Buying 1 genuine license can be used for 1 computer. Therefore, you need to buy as many genuine licenses as you want to use on as many computers. After payment, please contact sales@sanwhole.com and tell us your customized exclusive genuine authorized username, and we will activate it for you as soon as possible.
Vole Office套件包括:Vole Windows Expedition, Vole Word, Vole Excel, Vole Scheduler和Vole Diagram。Vole Office套件提供最高的Ultimate功能,支持商用,使用期内免费升级。软件无需安装,单EXE文件,大小230MB,U盘内也可以使用。支持Windows7和更高操作系统。Vole Office套件可以用您指定的名字命名专有正版授权的用户名和专有正版池,可以使用10年。

Vole Word, Vole Excel曾两度被著名香港HK01网站推荐为微软Office完美替代品,是企业和个人的睿智选择。Vole Windows Expedition多次被美国软件销售网站BITSDUJOUR推荐,拥有相当高的知名度。
购买1个正版授权可以为1台计算机使用。因此,您要在多少台计算机上使用,就需要购买多少个正版授权。付款后,请联系sales@sanwhole.com, 告诉我们您自定义的专有正版授权用户名,我们会尽快为您开通 。