
The following tables list the members exposed by the TargetedTriggerAction type.

Protected Constructors

TargetedTriggerAction Initializes a new instance of the TargetedTriggerAction`1 class.

Public Fields

IsEnabledProperty(Inherited from TriggerAction)
TargetNameProperty(Inherited from TargetedTriggerAction)
TargetObjectProperty(Inherited from TargetedTriggerAction)

Public Properties (see also Protected Properties)

CanFreeze(Inherited from Freezable)
DependencyObjectType(Inherited from DependencyObject)
Dispatcher(Inherited from DispatcherObject)
HasAnimatedProperties(Inherited from Animatable)
IsEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this action will run when invoked. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from TriggerAction)
IsFrozen(Inherited from Freezable)
IsSealed(Inherited from DependencyObject)
TargetName Gets or sets the name of the object this action targets. If Target is set, this property is ignored. If Target is not set and TargetName is not set or cannot be resolved, the target will default to the AssociatedObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from TargetedTriggerAction)
TargetObject Gets or sets the target object. If TargetObject is not set, the target will look for the object specified by TargetName. If an element referred to by TargetName cannot be found, the target will default to the AssociatedObject. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from TargetedTriggerAction)

Protected Properties

AssociatedObject Gets the object to which this action is attached. (Inherited from TriggerAction)
AssociatedObjectTypeConstraint Gets the associated object type constraint. (Inherited from TargetedTriggerAction)
Target Gets the target object. If TargetName is not set or cannot be resolved, defaults to the AssociatedObject.
TargetTypeConstraint Gets the target type constraint. (Inherited from TargetedTriggerAction)

Public Methods (see also Protected Methods)

ApplyAnimationClockOverloaded. (Inherited from Animatable)
Attach(Inherited from TriggerAction)
BeginAnimationOverloaded. (Inherited from Animatable)
CheckAccess(Inherited from DispatcherObject)
ClearValueOverloaded. (Inherited from DependencyObject)
Clone(Inherited from Animatable)
CloneCurrentValue(Inherited from Freezable)
CoerceValue(Inherited from DependencyObject)
Detach Detaches this instance from its associated object. (Inherited from TriggerAction)
EqualsOverloaded. (Inherited from DependencyObject)
FreezeOverloaded. (Inherited from Freezable)
GetAnimationBaseValue(Inherited from Animatable)
GetAsFrozen(Inherited from Freezable)
GetCurrentValueAsFrozen(Inherited from Freezable)
GetHashCode(Inherited from DependencyObject)
GetLocalValueEnumerator(Inherited from DependencyObject)
GetType(Inherited from Object)
GetValue(Inherited from DependencyObject)
InvalidateProperty(Inherited from DependencyObject)
ReadLocalValue(Inherited from DependencyObject)
ReferenceEquals(Inherited from Object)
SetCurrentValue(Inherited from DependencyObject)
SetValueOverloaded. (Inherited from DependencyObject)
ShouldSerializeStoredWeakReference(Inherited from Animatable)
ToString(Inherited from Object)
VerifyAccess(Inherited from DispatcherObject)

Protected Methods

CloneCore(Inherited from Freezable)
CloneCurrentValueCore(Inherited from Freezable)
CreateInstance(Inherited from Freezable)
CreateInstanceCore When implemented in a derived class, creates a new instance of the Freezable derived class. (Inherited from TriggerAction)
Finalize(Inherited from Object)
FreezeOverloaded. (Inherited from Freezable)
FreezeCore(Inherited from Animatable)
GetAsFrozenCore(Inherited from Freezable)
GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore(Inherited from Freezable)
Invoke(Inherited from TriggerAction)
MemberwiseClone(Inherited from Object)
OnAttached Called after the action is attached to an AssociatedObject. (Inherited from TargetedTriggerAction)
OnChanged(Inherited from Freezable)
OnDetaching Called when the action is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred. (Inherited from TargetedTriggerAction)
OnFreezablePropertyChangedOverloaded. (Inherited from Freezable)
OnPropertyChanged(Inherited from Freezable)
OnTargetChanged Called when the target property changes.
ReadPreamble(Inherited from Freezable)
ShouldSerializeProperty(Inherited from DependencyObject)
WritePostscript(Inherited from Freezable)
WritePreamble(Inherited from Freezable)

Public Events

Changed(Inherited from Freezable)

Explicit Interface Implementations

System.Windows.Interactivity.IAttachedObject.AssociatedObject Gets the object to which this action is attached. (Inherited from TriggerAction)

See Also