
Public Fields (see also Protected Fields)

AppliesToProperty Dependency property for the scope of the behavior. See FluidMoveScope for more details. (Inherited from FluidMoveBehaviorBase)
DurationProperty Dependency property for the duration of the move.
EaseXProperty Dependency property for the EasingFunction to use for the horizontal component of the move.
EaseYProperty Dependency property for the EasingFunction to use for the vertical component of the move.
FloatAboveProperty Dependency property for the FloatAbove flag.
InitialTagPathProperty Dependency property for the extra path to add to the binding when UsaBindingAsTag is true.
InitialTagProperty Dependency property for the tag type to use just before the object is loaded.
IsActiveProperty Dependency property for the active state of the behavior. (Inherited from FluidMoveBehaviorBase)
TagPathProperty Dependency property for the extra path to add to the binding when UsaBindingAsTag is true. (Inherited from FluidMoveBehaviorBase)
TagProperty Dependency property that provides the ability to use the element as its own tag, or the binding on the element. (Inherited from FluidMoveBehaviorBase)

Protected Fields

IdentityTagProperty Identity tag used to detect element motion between containers. (Inherited from FluidMoveBehaviorBase)

See Also