
Public Properties (see also Protected Properties)

ActualHeight(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
ActualWidth(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
AllowDrop(Inherited from UIElement)
AreAnyTouchesCaptured(Inherited from UIElement)
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin(Inherited from UIElement)
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver(Inherited from UIElement)
AreAnyTouchesOver(Inherited from UIElement)
Background(Inherited from Control)
BindingGroup(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
BitmapEffect Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement)
BitmapEffectInput Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement)
BorderBrush(Inherited from Control)
BorderThickness(Inherited from Control)
CacheMode(Inherited from UIElement)
Clip(Inherited from UIElement)
ClipToBounds(Inherited from UIElement)
CommandBindings(Inherited from UIElement)
ContextMenu(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Cursor(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
DataContext(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
DependencyObjectType(Inherited from DependencyObject)
DesiredSize(Inherited from UIElement)
Dispatcher(Inherited from DispatcherObject)
Effect(Inherited from UIElement)
Fill Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how to paint the interior of the shape.
FlowDirection(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Focusable(Inherited from UIElement)
FocusVisualStyle(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
FontFamily(Inherited from Control)
FontSize(Inherited from Control)
FontStretch(Inherited from Control)
FontStyle(Inherited from Control)
FontWeight(Inherited from Control)
ForceCursor(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Foreground(Inherited from Control)
GeometryMargin Gets the margin between the logical bounds and the actual geometry bounds. This can be either positive (as in Arc) or negative (as in Callout).
HasAnimatedProperties(Inherited from UIElement)
Height(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
HorizontalAlignment(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
HorizontalContentAlignment(Inherited from Control)
InputBindings(Inherited from UIElement)
InputScope(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
IsArrangeValid(Inherited from UIElement)
IsEnabled(Inherited from UIElement)
IsFocused(Inherited from UIElement)
IsHitTestVisible(Inherited from UIElement)
IsInitialized(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
IsInputMethodEnabled(Inherited from UIElement)
IsKeyboardFocused(Inherited from UIElement)
IsKeyboardFocusWithin(Inherited from UIElement)
IsLoaded(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
IsManipulationEnabled(Inherited from UIElement)
IsMeasureValid(Inherited from UIElement)
IsMouseCaptured(Inherited from UIElement)
IsMouseCaptureWithin(Inherited from UIElement)
IsMouseDirectlyOver(Inherited from UIElement)
IsMouseOver(Inherited from UIElement)
IsSealed(Inherited from DependencyObject)
IsStylusCaptured(Inherited from UIElement)
IsStylusCaptureWithin(Inherited from UIElement)
IsStylusDirectlyOver(Inherited from UIElement)
IsStylusOver(Inherited from UIElement)
IsTabStop(Inherited from Control)
IsVisible(Inherited from UIElement)
Language(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
LayoutTransform(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Margin(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
MaxHeight(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
MaxWidth(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
MinHeight(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
MinWidth(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Name(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Opacity(Inherited from UIElement)
OpacityMask(Inherited from UIElement)
OverridesDefaultStyle(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Padding(Inherited from Control)
Parent(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
PersistId Obsolete. (Inherited from UIElement)
RenderedGeometry Gets the rendered geometry presented by the rendering engine.
RenderSize(Inherited from UIElement)
RenderTransform(Inherited from UIElement)
RenderTransformOrigin(Inherited from UIElement)
Resources(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
SnapsToDevicePixels(Inherited from UIElement)
StretchGets or sets a Stretch enumeration value that describes how the shape fills its allocated space.
StrokeGets or sets the Brush that specifies how the Shape outline is painted.
StrokeDashArrayGets or sets a collection of Double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline shapes.
StrokeDashCapGets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that specifies how the ends of a dash are drawn.
StrokeDashOffsetGets or sets a Double that specifies the distance within the dash pattern where a dash begins.
StrokeEndLineCapGets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that describes the Shape at the end of a line.
StrokeLineJoinGets or sets a PenLineJoin enumeration value that specifies the type of join that is used at the vertices of a Shape.
StrokeMiterLimitGets or sets a limit on the ratio of the miter length to half the StrokeThickness of a Shape element.
StrokeStartLineCapGets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that describes the Shape at the start of a Stroke.
StrokeThicknessGets or sets the width of the Shape stroke outline.
Style(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
TabIndex(Inherited from Control)
Tag(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Template(Inherited from Control)
TemplatedParent(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
ToolTip(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
TouchesCaptured(Inherited from UIElement)
TouchesCapturedWithin(Inherited from UIElement)
TouchesDirectlyOver(Inherited from UIElement)
TouchesOver(Inherited from UIElement)
Triggers(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
Uid(Inherited from UIElement)
UseLayoutRounding(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
VerticalAlignment(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
VerticalContentAlignment(Inherited from Control)
Visibility(Inherited from UIElement)
Width(Inherited from FrameworkElement)

Protected Properties

DefaultStyleKey(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
HandlesScrolling(Inherited from Control)
InheritanceBehavior(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
IsEnabledCore(Inherited from UIElement)
LogicalChildren(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
StylusPlugIns(Inherited from UIElement)
VisualBitmapEffect Obsolete. (Inherited from Visual)
VisualBitmapEffectInput Obsolete. (Inherited from Visual)
VisualBitmapScalingMode(Inherited from Visual)
VisualCacheMode(Inherited from Visual)
VisualChildrenCount(Inherited from FrameworkElement)
VisualClearTypeHint(Inherited from Visual)
VisualClip(Inherited from Visual)
VisualEdgeMode(Inherited from Visual)
VisualEffect(Inherited from Visual)
VisualOffset(Inherited from Visual)
VisualOpacity(Inherited from Visual)
VisualOpacityMask(Inherited from Visual)
VisualParent(Inherited from Visual)
VisualScrollableAreaClip(Inherited from Visual)
VisualTextHintingMode(Inherited from Visual)
VisualTextRenderingMode(Inherited from Visual)
VisualTransform(Inherited from Visual)
VisualXSnappingGuidelines(Inherited from Visual)
VisualYSnappingGuidelines(Inherited from Visual)

See Also