
Public Properties

ActualCapacity Gets the computed Capacity.
CanFreeze(Inherited from Freezable)
Capacity Gets or sets the maximum number of items displayed on the LayoutPath.
DependencyObjectType(Inherited from DependencyObject)
Dispatcher(Inherited from DispatcherObject)
Distribution Gets or sets whether items are laid out evenly or with a fixed padding.
FillBehavior Gets or set the method to alter Span on an open path.
HasAnimatedProperties(Inherited from Animatable)
IsFrozen(Inherited from Freezable)
IsSealed(Inherited from DependencyObject)
IsValid Gets whether or not the SourceElement is valid in the context. A SourceElement is not valid if it is a descendant of the PathPanel in which it is used.
Orientation Gets or sets the orientation of the items.
Padding Gets or sets the distance in pixels along the arc length of the LayoutPath between two items.
SourceElement Gets or sets the element that defines the path.
Span Gets or sets the percentage of the LayoutPath that participates in layout.
Start Gets or sets the distance from the start of the LayoutPath to place the first item.

See Also