SFX commands: Path


Set the default destination path for unpacked files. Absolute paths started from '<drive letter>:' are used without changes. If <path> contains only a name, it will be appended to the path of the "Program Files" folder. If you wish to disable such behavior and create the specified folder in the current folder, start <path> definition from '.\' characters.


  1. set the default path to "Program Files\Calc 3.05":

Path=Calc 3.05

  1. set the default path to "C:\Calc":


  1. set "Calc" folder without any preceding text as the default path:



  1. It is allowed to specify system environment variables in %varname% format in Path. For example, "Path=%APPDATA%\MyApp". SFX module expands them automatically. Dynamic environment variables such as %date% or %random%, are not expanded.
  2. SFX module sets sfxstime environment variable, which contains the module start time in "YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-ms" format. You can specify it in Path command if you need to generate a time based unique installation path, such as "Path=MyApp-%sfxstime%"