Attempt to use a closed printer handle |
Application Verifier break message
Attempt to use a closed printer handle
Probable cause
A printer handle was used after it had been closed.
Troubleshooting steps
To identify the routine that tried to use the closed printer handle, dump the current stack trace by using the �k' command in the debugger.
To dump the stack trace of the routine that closed the handle, use the dps command with the second parameter of the stop.
For example:
� | Copy Code |
======================================= VERIFIER STOP 0000A005 : pid 0x884: Attempt to use a closed printer handle 035C6F8C : Printer handle being accessed. 02902F50 : Stack trace of the closing. Use dps to dump the stack trace if it is not NULL. 00000000 : Not used. 00000000 : Not used. ======================================= 0:000> k ChildEBP RetAddr 0006fda0 024124f2 ntdll!DbgBreakPoint 0006fdd4 024134de vfprint!CResourceUsageMgr(void *,CHandleTracker_t(void *) )::ClosedHandleCheck+0xa2 0006fe84 010026f2 vfprint!VfHookClosePrinter+0x16e 0006fe94 0100266c UnitTest! TestFunc +0x32 ------------------- touching already closed handle!! This is a bug. 0006ff5c 01003eb1 UnitTest!wmain+0x34c 0006ffa0 77e4ee88 UnitTest!__tmainCRTStartup+0x10f 0006ffac 77f44f2a KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12 0006ffec 00000000 ntdll!RtlSetThreadPreferredUILanguages+0x5c1 0:000> dps 2902f50 02902f50 0241e9db vfprint!CaptureStack+0x1b 02902f54 024133d7 vfprint!VfHookClosePrinter+0x67 02902f58 010026e9 UnitTest!TestFunc+0x29 ---------------- This is the code that closed the handle. 02902f5c 0100266c UnitTest!wmain+0x34c 02902f60 01003eb1 UnitTest!__tmainCRTStartup+0x10f 02902f64 77e4ee88 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe 02902f68 77f44f2a ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x23 |
Information displayed by Application Verifier
Parameter 1�-�Printer handle being accessed.
Parameter 2�-�Stack trace of the closing. Use dps to dump the stack trace if it is not NULL.
Parameter 3�-�Not used.
Parameter 4�-�Not used.
Additional information
Test Layer:�PrintAPI
Stop code:�0000A005
One-time error:�no
Error report:�Break
Log to file:�yes
Create backtrace:�yes