WSACleanup aborted and closed existing SOCKET handles underneath the code that owned those SOCKETs |
Application Verifier break message
WSACleanup aborted and closed existing SOCKET handles underneath the code that owned those SOCKETs
Probable cause
WSACleanup was called, decrementing the Winsock reference count to 0, while SOCKET handles were still open in the process. Winsock closes any open SOCKET handles when the reference count reaches zero. This is typically a bug in the component that decrements the Winsock reference count too often (by calling WSACleanup unbalanced with WSAStartup) or incorrectly tracks (leaks) SOCKET handles.
Troubleshooting steps
Enter k to find the caller that decremented the WSAStartup/WSACleanup count to 0.
Information displayed by Application Verifier
Parameter 1 - Number of sockets that were outstanding
Parameter 2 - Not Used
Parameter 3 - Not Used
Parameter 4 - Not Used
Additional information
Test Layer:�Net Verifier
Stop code:�E10B
One-time error:�No
Non Continuable:�Yes
Error report:�Yes
Log to file:�Yes
Create backtrace:�Yes