
Represents a verifier check and provides metadata information about a check that is available in Application Verifier.


IAppVerifierCheck::get_Description method

Retrieves a textual description of the check.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_GroupName method

Retrieves the name of the group that contains the check.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_GuidString method

Retrieves a string that represents the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the check.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_LongName method

Retrieves the long name of the check.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_MajorVersion method

Retrieves the major version of the check.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_MinorVersion method

Retrieves the minor version of the check.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_Name method

Retrieves the friendly name of the check.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_Properties method

Retrieves a collection of default properties of the check.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_Propigate method

Retrieves a flag that indicates if the check is propagated to child processes.

IAppVerifierCheck::get_Stops method

Retrieves a collection of Application Verifier stops that are associated with the check.


To find the specific setting for a check on an image that Application Verifier enabled, use the IAppVerifierImageCheck interface.

Inherits from

IDispatch interface


Header: Vrfauto.h

Library: Vrfauto.dll

See Also