
Application Verifier break message

Print filter has mismatch of AddRef/Release calls to pipeline manager interface

Probable cause

The Windows Driver Kit (WDK) states that print filters must perform accurate reference counting in their implementation of the IUnknown::AddRef and IUnknown::Release methods. The lifetime of the print filter objects depends on accurate reference counting. If the reference counting is inaccurate, it can result in a resource leak or lead to the premature unloading of the plug-in which will cause the driver to fail.

This verifier stop occurs when a print filter incorrectly manages the reference count of the pipeline manager interface.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Format:�-� Interface %s ref count is %d, expected %s.

Parameter 1�-�Filter CLSID pointer.

Parameter 2�-�Not used.

Parameter 3�-�Not used.

Parameter 4�-�Not used.

Additional information

Test Layer:�PrintDriver

Stop code:�0000D020


One-time error:�no

Error report:�Break

Log to file:�yes

Create backtrace:�yes