
Application Verifier break message

Attempt to use an invalid PrintTicket

Probable cause

This verifier stop occurs when the application calls a PrintTicket method with an invalid PrintTicket.

Troubleshooting steps

The sample debugger output below illustrates the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Review the AppVerifier error message

  • Dump the XML using the du command as the error message describes

  • Dump the XML of the PrintTicket document (this might require more than one du command).

  • Analyze the XML in the PrintTicket (this might require cutting the text from the debugger console and pasting the text into a text editor for clean-up and analysis of the XML code)

  • Use k to dump the stack trace and see the routine that used the invalid PrintTicket

Copy Code
VERIFIER STOP 0000A015 : pid 0x14F0: Attempt to use an invalid PrintTicket

        07641E54 : Error messages returned by PTConform. Use du to dump the message if this parameter is not NULL.
        0767B9D4 : PrintTicket XML text. Use du to dump the XML if this parameter is not NULL.
        00000000 : Not used.
        00000000 : Not used.

This verifier stop was caused when the application called the PTGetPrintCapabilities method with an invalid PrintTicket

* Use the du command to Dump the error message that PTConform returned
0:000> du 07641E54
07641e54  "ERROR: CUtility - Match not foun"
07641e94  "d for node 'Option', name 'Inval"
07641ed4  "idPortrait'..ERROR: CUtility::Do"
07641f14  "SelfConformanceCheck - The node "
07641f54  "'Option' named 'InvalidPortrait'"
07641f94  " is not expected here as per the"
07641fd4  " PrintSchema spec.."

* Use the du command to dump the XML from the PrintTicket document
PrintTicket xml text
0:000> du 0767B9D4
0767b9d4  "<psf:PrintTicket xmlns:psf="http"
0767ba14  "://"
0767ba54  "/2003/08/printing/printschemafra"
0767ba94  "mework" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3"
0767bad4  ".org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xm"
0767bb14  "lns:xsd=""
0767bb54  "XMLSchema" version="1" xmlns:ns0"
0767bb94  "000=""
0767bbd4  "m/windows/printing/oemdriverpt/H"
0767bc14  "P_LaserJet_4_6_0_5278_0_" xmlns:"
0767bc54  "psk=""
0767bc94  "m/windows/2003/08/printing/print"

* Use the k command to dump the stack trace
0:000> k
ChildEBP RetAddr
0013f780 73a7385b ntdll!DbgBreakPoint
0013f984 73889ce3 vrfcore!VerifierStopMessageEx+0x4bd
0013f9bc 73894684 vfprint!CPrintVerifierPrintTicketHelper::ValidatePrintTicket+0x84
0013f9dc 00144074 vfprint!VfPTGetPrintCapabilities+0x78
0013fa14 00142edc UnitTestvfPrint!GetPrintCapabilitiesWithInvalidPrintTicket+0xd4!The suspected routine
0013fb0c 001450b6 UnitTestvfPrint!wmain+0x3dc
0013fb50 76413833 UnitTestvfPrint!__wmainCRTStartup+0x102
0013fb5c 775fa9bd KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xe
0013fb9c 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x23

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Format:�-�This verifier stop was caused when the application called the %lS method with an invalid PrintTicket

Parameter 1�-�Error messages returned by PTConform. Use du to dump the message if this parameter is not NULL.

Parameter 2�-�PrintTicket XML text. Use du to dump the XML if this parameter is not NULL.

Parameter 3�-�Not used.

Parameter 4�-�Not used.

Additional information

Test Layer:�PrintAPI

Stop code:�0000A015


One-time error:�no

Error report:�Break

Log to file:�yes

Create backtrace:�yes