
Microsoft is committed to making its products and services easier for everyone to use. The features within Application Verifier that make it more accessible for people with disabilities are keyboard shortcuts, text reader, and ability to alter the fonts and themes.

Note: The information in this section applies only to users who license Microsoft products in the United States. If you obtained this product outside of the United States, you can use the subsidiary information card that came with your software package or visit the Microsoft Accessibility website for a list of telephone numbers and addresses for Microsoft support services. You can contact your subsidiary to find out whether the type of products and services described in this section are available in your area. Information about accessibility is available in other languages, including Japanese and French.�

Using keyboard shortcuts

By using keyboard shortcuts in Application Verifier, you can quickly accomplish the following common tasks.

To do this

Use this keyboard shortcut

Add an application to test

Ctrl + A

Remove an application

Ctrl + D

Enable all tests

Ctrl + E

Disable all tests

Ctrl + I

Restore the test defaults

Ctrl + R

Save changes

Ctrl + S

Exit Application Verifier

Atl + E

Open the property window

Ctrl + P

Open the log screen

Ctrl + L

Accessibility Features of Application Verifier Help

Application Verifier Help includes features that make it accessible to a wider range of users, including those who have limited dexterity, low vision, or other disabilities.

Keyboard shortcuts for using the Help window

By using the following keyboard shortcuts in Help, you can quickly accomplish many common tasks.

To do this

Use this keyboard shortcut

Display the Help window.


Select the previous hidden text or hyperlink.


Perform the action for the selected Show All, Hide All, hidden text, or hyperlink.


Display the Options menu to access any Help toolbar command.


Hide or show the pane containing the Contents, Search, and Index tabs.

ALT+O, and then press T

Display the previously viewed topic.

ALT+O, and then press B

Display the next topic in a previously displayed sequence of topics.

ALT+O, and then press F�

Return to the specified home page.

ALT+O, and then press H

Stop the Help window from opening a Help topic (useful if you want to stop a Web page from downloading).

ALT+O, and then press S

Open the Internet Options dialog box for Microsoft Internet Explorer, where you can change accessibility settings.

ALT+O, and then press I

Refresh the topic (useful if you have linked to a Web page).

ALT+O, and then press R

Print all topics in a book or a selected topic only.

ALT+O, and then press P

Close the Help window.


To change the appearance of a Help topic

You can customize the colors, font styles, and font sizes used in Help.

  1. Open the Help window.

  2. Click Options , and then select Internet Options .

  3. On the General tab, click Accessibility .

  4. Select any of the checkboxes: Ignore colors specified on webpages , Ignore font styles specified on webpages , or Ignore font sizes specified on webpages .

You also can choose to use the settings specified in your own style sheet.

To change the color of the background or text in Help

  1. Open the Help window.

  2. Click Options , and then click Internet Options .

  3. On the General tab, click Accessibility .

  4. Select the Ignore colors specified on webpages checkbox.

  5. On the General tab, click Colors .

  6. Clear the Use Windows Colors checkbox, and then select the font and background colors that you want to use.

Note: If you change the background color of the Help topics in the Help window, the change also affects the background color when you view a web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

To change the font in Help

  1. Open the Help window.

  2. Click Options , and then click Internet Options .

  3. On the General tab, click Accessibility .

  4. To use the same settings as those used in your instance of Microsoft Internet Explorer, select the Ignore font styles specified on webpages and Ignore font sizes specified on webpages checkboxes.

  5. To customize the font style used in Help, on the General tab, click Fonts , and then click the font style you want.

Note: If you change the font of the Help topics in the Help window, the change also affects the font when you view a Web page in Internet Explorer.