
Application Verifier break message

Incorrect size parameter for VirtualFree (MEM_RELEASE) operation.

Probable cause

This stop is generated if Application Verifier detects a VirtualFree (MEM_RELEASE) with a non-zero value for the dwSize parameter. When using MEM_RELEASE, the only valid value for this parameter is 0. If VirtualFree is called with any other value except 0, VirtualFree will fail to free the memory.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Parameter1 - Incorrect size used by the application

Parameter2 - Expected correct size (0)

Parameter3 - not used

Parameter4 - not used

Description - Incorrect Size parameter for VirtualFree (MEM_RELEASE) operation

Additional information

Verifier stop code 060C.

To debug this stop look at the current stack trace (kb): the caller of VirtualFree is probably the culprit.