
Application Verifier break message

Print filter received an invalid PrintTicket from pipeline manager

Probable cause

This verifier stop occurs when the GetPrintTicket method returns an IPrintTicketPart from the printer driver filter and the content of the IPrintTicketPart does not conform to the PrintSchema.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Format:�-�This verifier stop was in %lS method. Use GUID to identify Print filter.

Parameter 1�-�Print Filter GUID. Use dd to dump it if this parameter is not NULL.

Parameter 2�-�Error messages returned by PTConform. Use du to dump the message if this parameter is not NULL.

Parameter 3�-�PrintTicket XML text. Use du to dump the XML if this parameter is not NULL.

Parameter 4�-�Not used.

Additional information

Stop code:�D027