
Application Verifier break message

Unprocessed msg in the msg pool of current thread.

Probable cause

This stop is generated if any message is left as unprocessed when this threadpool thread is returned to the pool. It's dangerous because the message will be processed in a totally different context.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Parameter1 - Callback function that posted the message

Parameter2 - Context

Parameter3 - Threadpool Object allocation stack trace, use dds to dump it.

Parameter4 - Threadpool thread ID. Use !avrf �tp threadid to see the messages posted to this thread.

Description - This stop is generated if any message is left as unprocessed when this threadpool thread is returned to the pool. It's dangerous since it will be processed in a totally different context. Use !avrf �tp Param4 to see the messages posted to this thread.

Additional information

Verifier stop code 702.

The stack traces for the Post*Message calls are tracked in the thread pool tracker. Please run !avrf -tp <thread_id> to get the stack trace for the Post*Message calls by this thread.

Example: !avrf -tp 0xE58 where 0xE58 is the thread id of the thread that ran into the verifier stop.