
Print Verifier is a tool that is designed to help find and troubleshoot issues that may result when the print subsystem is called by an application. Print Verifier targets the two layers of the print subsystem, the PrintAPI layer and the PrintDriver layer..

Print API Layer

Print Verifier tests the interface between a program and Winspool.drv and prntvpt.dll as also test the interfaces of those DLLs. The rules for calling functions in this interface are defined in the MSDN in the help on the APIs exported by winspool.drv and prntvpt.dll.

Print Driver layer

Print Verifier also tests the interface between a core print driver such as UNIDRV.DLL, UNIDRUI.DLL, PSCRIPT5.DLL, PS5UI.DLL, or MXDWDRV.DLL, and the print driver plugins. This interface is described in the MSDN and the WDK.