
Application Verifier break message

Double initialized or corrupted critical section.

Probable cause

Usually this stop is generated if a critical section has been initialized more than one time. Some other times it is possible to get this stop if the critical section or its debug information structure has been corrupted. In this case it is possible that the first initialization stack track and second are invalid and useless.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Parameter1 - Critical section address. Run !cs �s address to get more information.

Parameter2 - Address of the debug information structure found in the active list

Parameter3 - First initialization stack trace. Run dps address to dump the stack trace.

Parameter4 - Second initialization stack trace. Run dps address to dump the stack trace.

Description - Double initialized or corrupted critical section.

Additional information

Verifier stop code 0203.

Check the contents of the current call stack when the memory was released.

Frequency of this error is high.

To debug this stop:

!cs �s �d parameter2 - dump information about this critical section.

ln parameter1 � to show symbols near the address of the critical section. This might help identify the critical section if this is a global variable.

dds parameter3 and dds parameter4 - to identify the two code paths for initializing this critical section.