
Application Verifier break message

Missing Print Schema private namespace

Probable cause

The PrintTicket provider plug-in indicated that it was returning at least one Print Schema private namespace but did not return any. The call to the IPrintOemPrintTicketProvider::BindPrinter method in the plug-in contains two out pointer arguments through which the plug-in can return information about the Print Schema private namespaces that it supports. The ppNamespaces argument points to an array of strings representing the supported Print Schema private namespaces. The cNamespaces argument points to the number of elements in the array of strings that is being returned.

This verifier stop occurs when the plug-in returns a valid number in cNamespaces but does not return anything in the ppNamespaces array.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Format: - This verifier stop was caused by the %lS method in the plugin module at %lS

Parameter 1 - Number of expected namespaces.

Parameter 2 - Not used.

Parameter 3 - Not used.

Parameter 4 - Not used.

Additional information

Test Layer:�PrintDriver

Stop code:�0000D00B


One-time error:�no

Error report:�Break

Log to file:�yes

Create backtrace:�yes