
Application Verifier break message

Potential multi-threaded access to a PrintTicket provider handle detected

Probable cause

This is a warning that a PrintTicket provider handle was used in a thread different from the thread that created it. This may require application-level synchronization to safely access the handle.

PrintTicket provider handles are not thread safe which means that simultaneous use of a PrintTicket provider handle in multiple threads is not permitted. Instead, the application should either open a separate PrintTicket provider handle in each thread or provide custom synchronization access to the PrintTicket provider handle by using the Microsoft Win32 synchronization API.

The Win32 synchronization API is described further at

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Parameter 1�-�PrintTicket provider handle being accessed.

Parameter 2�-�Thread id of the initializing thread.

Parameter 3�-�Stack trace of the initialization.

Parameter 4�-�Not used.

Additional information

Test Layer:�PrintAPI

Stop code:�0000A011


One-time error:�no

Error report:�None

Log to file:�yes

Create backtrace:�yes