
Application Verifier break message

The immediate return value, or GetLastError, is invalid for the current Winsock call. This generally points to a fault in a Service Provider.

Probable cause

The value that is being returned, or the current value in GetLastError, does not comply with the Winsock 2 specification. This typically indicates a bug in a layered service provider (LSP) layered between the application and Winsock. In such a case, the LSP has broken the Winsock API contract and is returning an invalid value to the caller.

Troubleshooting steps

Enter ln Parameter 3 to find the function that returned the incorrect return code.

Inspect parameters 1 and 2 to see the incorrect return value.

If the call was to a Winsock send or recv function, inspect Parameter 4 to see the number of bytes requested to be sent or received. It is invalid for the returned number of bytes to be greater than the number of bytes requested.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Parameter 1 - Return value

Parameter 2 - Value of GetLastError

Parameter 3 - Function pointer to the next service provider

Parameter 4 - For a send or recv call, the actual number of bytes requested

Additional information

Test Layer:�Net Verifier

Stop code:�E10D


One-time error:�No

Non Continuable:�Yes

Error report:�Yes

Log to file:�Yes

Create backtrace:�Yes