The thread that is exiting or being terminated owns an SRW lock |
Application Verifier break message
The thread that is exiting or being terminated owns an SRW lock.
Probable cause
This stop is generated if a thread that owns an SRW lock is exiting or being terminated.
Information displayed by Application Verifier
Parameter 1 � SRW lock address
Parameter 2 � Thread ID of the thread that is exiting or being terminated
Parameter 3 �Address of the �acquire� stack trace
Parameter 4 � Not used
Additional Information
Verifier Stop Code 0254.
If a thread that owns an SRW lock exits or is terminated, the lock becomes orphaned, and other threads that try to acquire the lock will be blocked indefinitely.
To debug this stop, use the following debugger commands:
kb - to get the current stack trace. The trace shows you where the thread is exiting or being terminated.
dps parameter 3 � to get the �acquire� stack trace. The �acquire� stack trace shows you where the SRW lock was acquired.