
Application Verifier break message

Invalid handle exception for current stack trace.

Probable cause

This break is generated if the function on the top of the stack passed an invalid handle to system routines.

Typically this break occurs because the handle is used after it was closed.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Parameter1 - Exception code

Parameter2 - Exception record. Use .exr to display it

Parameter3 - Context record. Use .cxr to display it

Parameter4 - Not used

Description - Invalid handle exception for current stack trace

Additional information

Verifier stop code 0300.

Call Stack � current call stack of last operation when handle was found to be invalid.

Frequency of this error is high.

To debug:
Usually a simple kb command will reveal what is the value of the handle passed (must be one of the parameters � usually the first one). If the value is null then this is clearly wrong. If the value looks ok you need to use !htrace debugger extension to get a history of operations pertaining to this handle value.