The plug-in returned a private DEVMODE that is smaller than the minimum size allowed |
Application Verifier break message
The plug-in returned a private DEVMODE that is smaller than the minimum size allowed
Probable cause
The private DEVMODE returned by the plug-in should be at least the size of OEM_DMEXTRAHEADER.
The DevMode method of a plug-in must return the size required to store its private DEVMODE members when it is called with the OEMDM_SIZE mode. This value is set the first time the method is called. The DevMode method in the plug-in must set the value of the cbBufSize member in the OEMDMPARAM structure to the number of bytes needed and that value must be greater than or equal to the size of OEM_DMEXTRAHEADER.
This verifier stop occurs when the size returned in the cbBufSize member in the OEMDMPARAM structure is less than the size of OEM_DMEXTRAHEADER.
Information displayed by Application Verifier
Format:�-�This verifier stop was caused by the plug-in module at %lS
Parameter 1�-�Mode for the current DevMode callback.
Parameter 2�-�Size of the plug-in's private DEVMODE.
Parameter 3�-�Size of OEM_DMEXTRAHEADER.
Parameter 4�-�Not used.
Additional information
Test Layer:�PrintDriver
Stop code:�0000D00F
One-time error:�no
Error report:�Break
Log to file:�yes
Create backtrace:�yes