
Favicon – Set the favicon.

Favicon is an icon format image. It is used for Vole PageShare and it’s only valid when you export website.

To get started:

  1. Click Favicon button, and select ‘Add Image’ button in dropdown list.
  2. Choose image you want, and make sure ‘Enable Image’ is checked.
  3. Click Apply and Save button (Go MAIN PAGESHARE -> Update and Save -> Apply and Save to learn more about this).
  4. After building success, publish your website, now your website will have favicon.

FYI: If you don’t want have favicon and you don’t want to delete it. Just make ‘Enable Image’ be unchecked.



When you want set the logo, you need to checked ‘Enable Image’ and set Brand to Brand-Logo or Brand-Txt&Logo.


Landing image is a full width image, it is only added to the first page, and it’s at top of the content and below the menu.


Title image is at the top of the content.

Image Zoom Out

Let all image auto zoom out to adaptation viewport, so that images doesn’t go beyond your viewport.

For example, if you zoom out the browser, the images will zoom out too.

Embed Image

This is function is used for Vole PageShare when it export the website.

Exported files will not have image files, all images will embed as html in html file.