Vole PageShare create website based on commonly used word processing document.

Vole PageShare automatically creates and synchronizes website navigation menu based on raw word processing document.

Vole PageShare can then render the website based on custom settings, such as menu color, menu alignment and menu position; brand text, logo image and favicon; full-width image landing page and MP4 movie landing page, etc. Vole PageShare can add custom HTML to your web page. So you can easily add online videos such as YouTube, Vimeo. You can easily add client code such as chat software Zopim, blog software Disqus etc. Theoretically, you can try to add to your site as long as the site provides embedded code. Vole PageShare can add MP4 playback and download capabilities to your web pages.
PageShare Web Hosting uses highly stable Windows Server 2016 Datacenter operating system and Internet Information Services 10.

PageShare Web Hosting uses pure high-speed SSD hard disk, multi-core CPU, massive memory and sufficient bandwidth reserve to prepare the fast lane for the website hosting.

PageShare Web Hosting server distributes the 3-level security backup system with different continents, different regions and different power sources. Servers are located in Munich, Nuremberg Germany and Buffalo United States.

We do not limit what you publish. You must, however, ensure that the content you publish does not violate the legal requirements of your country and may not violate international law.


Built by Vole Briefcase 3.69.8041 Sanwhole Presents. (www.sanwhole.com)

Vole Briefcase packs all your presentation resources in a single file and presents them within the software.