Attempt to use a closed spool file handle |
Application Verifier break message
Attempt to use a closed spool file handle
Probable cause
A spool file handle was used after it had been closed.
Troubleshooting steps
To troubleshoot this stop:
Dump the current stack trace by using the 'k' command in the debugger to identify the routine that tried to use the closed handle.
Dump the stack trace of the routine that closed the handle by using the dps command with the second parameter of the stop.
Information displayed by Application Verifier
Parameter 1�-�Spool file handle being accessed.
Parameter 2�-�Stack trace of the closing. Use dps to dump the stack trace if it is not NULL.
Parameter 3�-�Not used.
Parameter 4�-�Not used.
Additional information
Stop code:�A01B