
Application Verifier break message

Leaked spool file handle detected

Probable cause

An open spool file handle was detected when the application terminated. Most likely, CloseSpoolFileHandle() was not called.

Troubleshooting steps

To troubleshoot this stop:

  • Determine which thread opened the printer handle

  • Use dps to dump the stack if Parameter 2 is not NULL.

  • Find the first non-winspool and non-vfPrint module name that called vfPrint!VfHookOpenPrinter* or vfPrint!VfHookAddPrinter*. This routine typically is the 4th or the 6th stack frame in the list.

Information displayed by Application Verifier

Parameter 1�-�Handle being leaked.

Parameter 2�-�Initialization stack trace. Use dps to dump the stack if this parameter is not NULL.

Parameter 3�-�Thread id of the thread that opened the handle.

Parameter 4�-�Not used.

Additional information

Stop code:�A01A