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(13918) Vole Internet Expedition, Edge, Chrome and Firefox browser speed comparison test [2020-03-10]
(12649) How to Redeem and Active [2020-02-25]
(7196) Vole Magic Note Tutorial 3.99.20051 [2020-05-04]
(6890) How to use advanced tree control 5.20.20111 [2020-11-21]
(6769) How to use advanced accordion control 5.20.20111 [2020-11-21]
(6708) How to use advanced table control 5.20.20111 [2020-11-21]
(6335) Vole Internet Expedition Classic Experience On Win10 64-bit [2020-03-12]
(4407) iMail Sending and Receiving among Company Internal Users [2020-05-31]
(4315) Vole PageShare lets you create and publish professional website with ease [2020-05-31]
(4273) Vole PageShare Easily Convert Docx File to Standard Website and One Key to Publish Online [2020-12-03]
(4218) Vole Edutainment Class Experience [2020-05-31]
(4011) Vole Pageshare Easily Convert Docx File to Book Website and One Key to Publish Online [2020-12-04]
(4002) Vole Edutainment Tutorial Do It Yourself [2020-05-31]
(3428) iSchool Remote Education Math Exam Classic Experience [2020-06-24]
(3170) iSchool Remote Education Art Homework Classic Experience [2020-06-24]
(3063) Vole Magic Note - One click to share your HTML 5 note online [2020-12-26]
(2807) iSchool Remote Education Music Homework Classic Experience [2020-06-22]
(2753) iSchool Remote Education Classic Experience (version: 5.4.20063) [2020-06-18]
(2744) Vole Briefcase tutorial 3.99.20051 [2020-05-05]
(2380) Vole PDF Creator Classic Experience Level 1 [2020-12-31]
(2358) Vole PageShare How to publish your website to online 2018-03-10 [2020-09-15]
(2333) Vole PDF Creator Classic Experience Level 2 [2020-12-31]
(2305) Vole Briefcase classic experience (version:3.93.9121) [2020-05-30]
(2294) Vole PDF Creator Classic Experience Level 3 [2020-12-31]
(2291) How to share your files on Sanwhole PageShare Cloud up to 150 MB for free [2020-02-28]
(2262) Vole Windows Expedition Classic Experience (version: 3.20.50201) [2020-05-31]
(2118) Vole PDF Creator Tutorials (2018-11-07) [2020-02-29]
(2113) How to use Vole Media CHM basically (version: 3.90.9021) [2020-05-31]
(2058) How to use Vole Internet Expedition [2020-09-09]
(2044) Vole Internet Expedition Classic Experience On Win10 32-bit [2020-03-12]
(2043) How to use Vole Media CHM professionally (version: 3.90.9021) [2020-05-31]
(1991) Vole Internet Expedition Scene Manager - Load Scene [2020-09-09]
(1977) SANWHOLE Railway Signal Experience Center 2019-06-22 [2020-06-01]
(1973) How to add gif and lyrics to music (version: 3.77.8063) [2020-05-31]
(1956) How to create GIF (version: 3.77.8063) [2020-05-31]
(1945) Vole PageShare Create Professional Book Website Classic Experience [2020-12-04]
(1942) Vole Word Reviewer Classic Experience 2015-02-17 [2020-05-31]
(1937) iMail Between Company In The Office Users And Hotmail Users [2020-05-31]
(1931) iMail Between Company Out Of Office Users And Gmail Users [2020-05-31]
(1930) Vole Remember Classic Experience 2014-07-08 [2020-05-31]
(1925) How to add watermark to images (version: 3.77.8063) [2020-05-31]
(1923) Sanwhole Exchange install and setup (LAN) [2020-05-31]
(1919) Vole Media CHM Classic Experience Level 1 [2021-01-05]
(1916) Vole CHM Reviewer Classic Experience 2015-02-17 [2020-05-31]
(1904) iMail Between Company User In The Office And Out Of Office [2020-05-31]
(1894) Vole CHM Reviewer Do It Yourself 2015-02-16 [2020-05-31]
(1893) Sanwhole PageShare let your website integrate web games with ease 2018-03-10 [2020-09-15]
(1889) Vole Remember Tutorials DIY Create 2014-07-08 [2020-05-31]
(1876) Vole Media CHM Classic Experience Level 2 [2021-01-05]
(1864) Internet Computer Interlocking Classic Experience [2020-05-31]
(1862) Using online templates to jump-start your project 2019-12-12 [2020-09-14]
(1836) Using online templates to jump-start your project (version: 3.93.9121) [2020-05-31]
(1831) How to Share Files on Sanwhole PageShare Cloud 2018-12-15 [2020-09-14]
(1592) Vole Magic Note – Classic Experience 3.52.60920 (2016-09-20) [2020-09-20]
(906) How to Redeem and Active [2020-12-12]
(465) Sanwhole Studio Online Reader [2021-11-30]
(433) Sanwhole Studio Online Editor [2021-11-30]
(178) Vole PageShare Create Professional Standard Website Classic Experience [2020-12-04]
(94) How to Active This PC [2021-01-05]
(55) Sanwhole Office Classic Experience (version: 3.92.9051) [2020-05-31]
(44) Vole PageShare How to Add Slideshow To Your Website 2019-12-08 (version: 3.93.9121) [2020-05-31]
(20) How to use Placeholder 3.99.20051 [2020-11-20]
(18) How to share your note online with Vole Magic Note 3.77.8063 (2018-06-22) [2020-09-20]
(17) How to use EVPS feature to create HTML 5 website note to show your ideas 3.89.9041 (2019-01-25) [2020-09-20]
Norman Wong  

Sanwhole Products Download Center


Pre-Installed Muti-User Commercial License

The software already has built-in muti-user commercial license, it is a paid software that can be used for free.


Vole Office Server Business Ultimate Edition LTUG

This is a lifetime use, lifetime upgrade, ultimate feature, commercial use, multi-user license.

VoleOffice.exe (32-bit & 64-bit)

More detail:  Sanwhole Software Licenses Agreement see Pre-Installed Multi-user Commercial License.


Sanwhole Studio

Version: 8.23.24121             Date: 2024-12-06 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\download-gif-image-7.gif


Sanwhole Studio (64-bit)

MSI Installer

Sanwhole Studio



Vole Office


Vole Internet Expedition


Vole Windows Expedition


Vole Briefcase


Vole Word Reviewer


Sanwhole Reading Experience


Vole Magic Note


Vole PDF Creator


Vole PageShare


Vole Edutainment


F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VMC\05 Vchm256.png

Vole Media CHM


Vole CHM To Website


Vole Seek


F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VRM\VRM 256.png

Vole Remember


F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VPC\VPC96.png



Sanwhole Server

Sanwhole Exchange iMail Server









1, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 must be installed.

2, Please manually uninstall the old version of the software and install the new version.


Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11, Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019, 32-bit and 64-bit.


Supported language


Supported Languages: Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Vietnamese.


Sanwhole Studio - One installer and one executable file


Z:\04 Work\07 TimeLine\2016\2016-02\2016-02-20\07 Icons\Install - setup.png


Vole Office

Please note that our software has an unparalleled modular design. This makes the size of installing all software almost the same as that of installing one software. There is only one installation file called setupsanwholestudio.msi and only one executable file called sanwholestudio.exe.

This can be difficult to understand, but you can try this to understand, SanwholeStudio.exe can complete Microsoft File Explorer, Edge, Word, Excel, PPT, Media Player, Exchange Server, Microsoft CHM Help, Adobe Acrobat and many more at the same time with just one software.


Note: From 2024-05-02, Sanwhole Studio restores individual software installation files. This way, each software has a separate installation file. The installation files for All in One are still provided.


Vole Briefcase

Vole PageShare

Vole Edutainment

Vole Magic Note

Vole Word Reviewer

Vole PDF Creator

Vole Internet Expedition

Vole Windows Expedition

F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VMC\05 Vchm256.png

Vole Media CHM

F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VCR\VCR96.png

Vole CHM Reviewer

Vole CHM To Website

F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VRM\VRM 256.png

Vole Remember

F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VPC\VPC96.png


F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VIS\VIS96.png

iSchool Client

F:\Work_23\Work_Websites\Website Images\Logos\VIO\VIO256.png

iOffice Client

iMail Client

Sanwhole Office

Sanwhole Exchange Server (*)


Virustotal check results


Virus Total Test Results:

Z:\04 Work\07 TimeLine\2016\2016-02\2016-02-20\07 Icons\Virus Check_24X24.png


Z:\04 Work\07 TimeLine\2016\2016-02\2016-02-20\07 Icons\Virus Check_24X24.png


Z:\04 Work\07 TimeLine\2016\2016-02\2016-02-20\07 Icons\Virus Check_24X24.png


Z:\04 Work\07 TimeLine\2016\2016-02\2016-02-20\07 Icons\Virus Check_24X24.png


Z:\04 Work\07 TimeLine\2016\2016-02\2016-02-20\07 Icons\Virus Check_24X24.png


Virus Scan False Positives



The software is completely safe. You can add the software to your anti-virus trust list.




Minor Update Change Logs

Major Upgrade Change Logs

1, Sanwhole Studio [+] Add Vole Scheduler software.

2, Sanwhole Studio [!] VBC presentation upgrade.

3, Sanwhole Studio [!] Sync core upgrade.







Z:\04 Work\07 TimeLine\2016\2016-02\2016-02-20\07 Icons\Install - setup.png 


Size (MB)

What is new?

TOOLS for Vole Media CHM only


Make CHM to show HTML 5 Programmatically


X86     X64

12 KB

[+]Make your CHM files to show HTML 5!

Make CHM to show HTML 5 Manually

The default CHM previewer hh.exe only supports IE7. To display the latest HTML5 content, you need the following settings. Type registry Editor in search and click to open Registry Editor and navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION. Add a new DWORD for hh.exe.











SANWHOLE7 years ago 30 Mar 2017  589086 2UNLIKE2LIKE

Hank Friedman  
I just purchased and installed the latest version of Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition and it won't preview any files.

I've attached two error messages. Please contact me at:
with a fix or a refund
 7 years ago 25 Sep 2017  35412 0UNLIKE0LIKE
Norman Wong  
@ Hank Friedman - Thank you for sharing the info with us. There are maybe some controls missing in your system. We need more info and more time to fix the issue. You also can ask your re-seller a refund. Sorry for the inconvenience.
SANWHOLE7 years ago 26 Sep 2017  35393 1UNLIKE1LIKE

John Bergin  
vole magic note
 4 years ago 20 Sep 2020  179 0UNLIKE0LIKE
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