Advanced Table (Tabs) – This function is used for Vole Briefcase, Vole PageShare, Vole Media CHM and EVPS. It can help you to create an Advanced Table with multiple color. Advanced Table control can hold a variety of content. Display the corresponding information by selecting.

 Here’s some examples:


Let’s make a simple on fist.

The steps for creating Accordion controls are almost the same as those for creating Tree controls.

  1. VPS_CMD_TABLE_color=‘primary’

Accordion control support 7 colors: primary, secondary, success, info, warning, danger and link.

  1. Use multilevel list to create tree nodes (The default template already add 1 level to tree node).

  1. You may add content into multilevel (tree nodes), the content will be as tree node content show in the page.

  1. Now, let’s convert this default template to VMC.


This is the result of the conversion.

Click on “1. Command Introduction” tree node, in the right panel, tree content is “Command VPS_......->Multilevel list”.