

We want to thank Ron Dwight, who did so much for RAR and its users. It is so sad that Ron will never see next WinRAR versions.

WinRAR incorporates the code by Info-ZIP group, which is used to handle ZIP archives.

Text compression algorithm is based on Dmitry Shkarin PPMII and Dmitry Subbotin carryless rangecoder public domain source code. You may find it in

WinRAR encryption includes parts of code from Szymon Stefanek and Brian Gladman AES implementations also as Steve Reid SHA-1 source.

WinRAR uses CRC32 function based on Intel Slicing-by-8 algorithm.

RAR archives may optionally include BLAKE2sp hash, designed by Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Samuel Neves, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn and Christian Winnerlein.

Useful hints provided by Alexander Khoroshev and Bulat Ziganshin allowed to significantly improve RAR compression and speed.

7z archives are decompressed using 7zxa.dll library copyrighted by Igor Pavlov, developer of 7-Zip archiver. 7zxa.dll is distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or later. You can modify portions of 7zxa.dll and perform reverse engineering solely for purpose of debugging such 7zxa.dll modifications according to LGPL. XZ and LZMA ZIP archives are decompressed using the public domain LZMA SDK by Igor Pavlov. 7zxa.dll library source code and LZMA SDK are available on

We used "Screaming Fast Galois Field Arithmetic Using Intel SIMD Instructions" paper by James S. Plank, Kevin M. Greenan and Ethan L. Miller to improve Reed-Solomon coding performance. Also we are grateful to Artem Drobanov and Bulat Ziganshin for samples and ideas allowed to make Reed-Solomon coding more efficient.

WinRAR graphic design had been prepared by Aditya Nugraha Putra from

The idea of WinRAR shell extension was inspired by Ylian Saint-Hilaire and his nice "RAR shell extension" program.

Special thanks to Andrey Spasibozhko for help in development and promotion of early RAR versions.