
Switch -TN[m,c,a,o]<time> - process files newer than the specified time

Use this switch to process only those files, which are newer than the specified time period. Files matching the specified time period exactly are also included.

Format of the time string is:

[<ndays>d][<nhours>h][ <nminutes>m][<nseconds>s]

For example, use switch -tn15d to process files newer than 15 days and -tn2h30m to process files newer than 2 hours 30 minutes.

Use 'm', 'c', 'a' modifiers to specify modification, creation and last access time accordingly, such as -tnc2h30m for creation time. If such modifier is omitted, modification time is assumed.

It is allowed to use several modifiers in the same switch, such as -tnmc30d, to set the same period for all specified times. Alternatively you can add several time filtering switches to command line. By default, time filters use AND logic, so a file must match all such filters to be processed. It can be changed to OR logic with 'o' modifier, so a file will have to match at least one 'o' filter. For example, use -tnco30d -tnmo20d to include files with creation time newer than 30 days or modification time newer than 20 days.