
"Find files" command

This command is accessible both in file management and in archive management modes. Using "Find files" dialog it is possible to search for files contained the specified string either in the opened archive or in selected folders or disks. Dialog items are described below.

File name to find

By default it contains "*", what means to check all files. You may enter other file mask here, for example, "*.txt" to search only in .txt files. It is allowed to enter several file masks separated by spaces. If you need to specify a file name containing spaces, enclose it in quotes.

String to find

Here you may enter a string to find. If you leave this field blank, WinRAR will display all files matching other specified criteria.

Match case

Enables case sensitive string comparison.

Use all tables

Use ANSI, Unicode UTF-8, Unicode UTF-16 and OEM (MS DOS) character tables when searching for string. If this option is off, WinRAR uses only the default Windows character table (ANSI) in the search operation.

Hexadecimal search

Treat the entered string as sequence of hexadecimal values separated by spaces.

Search area

This option is restricted to currently opened archive if searching inside of archive. Outside of archive use "Current folder" to search in the current folder only, "Selected items" to search in folders and files selected in WinRAR file list. Select appropriate drive names to search on these drives.

Archive types

Archive types to search in. By default it contains "*", what means "all archive formats", but, for example, you may enter "*.rar" to search data only in rar archives. It is allowed to enter several archive masks separated by spaces.

"Find in subfolders" option

Forces WinRAR to search not only in the specified folder, but also in its subfolders. Valid for "Current folder" search area only.

"Find in files" option

If enabled, WinRAR will search in usual not archived files matching the specified file name.

"Find in archives" option

Enables to search in the archived files. You may set both "Find in files" and "Find in archives" to search a desired string both in archives and in usual files.

"Skip encrypted" option

If password is required to search inside of encrypted archive, such archive is skipped silently.

"Save" button

This button saves a part of options in this dialog, so they will be automatically restored when activated next time. Some options might be not saved and instead initialized to values more suitable for current search.

Command line equivalent: command "i"