
Alphabetic switches list

-- stop switches scanning
-@[+] disable [enable] file lists
-ac clear Archive attribute after compression or extraction
-ad append archive name to destination path
-af<type> specify archive format
-ag[format] generate archive name using the current date and time
-ai ignore file attributes
-ao add files with Archive attribute set
-ap<path> set path inside archive
-as synchronize archive contents
-cfg- ignore default profile and environment variable
-cl convert file names to lower case
-cp<name> select a compression profile
-cu convert file names to upper case
-df delete files after archiving
-dh open shared files
-dr delete files to Recycle Bin
-ds do not sort archiving files
-dw wipe files after archiving
-ed do not add empty folders
-en do not add "end of archive" block
-ep exclude paths from names
-ep1 exclude base folder from names
-ep2 expand paths to full
-ep3 expand paths to full including the drive letter
-e[+]<attr> set file exclude or include attributes
-f freshen files
-hp[pwd] encrypt both file data and headers
-ht[b|c] select hash type [BLAKE2,CRC32] for file checksum
-iadm request administrative access for SFX archive
-ibck run WinRAR in background
-ieml[.][addr] send archive by email
-iicon<name> specify SFX icon
-iimg<name> specify SFX logo
-ilog[name] log errors to file
-im show more information
-inul disable error messages
-ioff[n] turn PC off
-isnd[-] control notification sounds
-k lock archive
-kb keep broken extracted files
-log[fmt][=name] write names to log file
-m<n> set compression method
-ma[4|5] specify a version of archiving format
-mc<par> set advanced compression parameters
-md<n> select dictionary size
-me[par] set encryption parameters
-ms[list] specify file types to store
-mt<threads> set the number of threads
-n<file> additionally filter included files
-n@<listfile> read additional filter masks from list file
-oc set NTFS "Compressed" attribute
-oh save hard links as the link instead of the file
-oi[-] save identical files as references
-ol save symbolic links as the link instead of the file
-or rename files automatically
-os save NTFS streams
-ow process file security information
-o[+|-] set the overwrite mode
-p[pwd] set password
-qo[-|+] add quick open information [none|force]
-r recurse subfolders
-r- disable recursion
-r0 recurse subfolders for wildcard names only
-ri set priority and sleep time
-rr[N] add data recovery record
-rv[N] create recovery volumes
-s create a solid archive
-s<N> create solid groups using file count
-sc<charset>[objects] specify the character set
-se create solid groups using file extension
-sfx[name] create self-extracting archive
-sl<size> process files with size less than specified
-sm<size> process files with size more than specified
-sv create independent solid volumes
-sv- create dependent solid volumes
-s- disable solid archiving
-t test files after archiving
-ta[m,c,a,o]<date> process files modified after the specified date
-tb[m,c,a,o]<date> process files modified before the specified date
-tk keep original archive time
-tl set archive time to newest file
-tn[m,c,a,o]<time> process files newer than the specified time
-to[m,c,a,o]<time> process files older than the specified time
-ts[m,c,a,p][+,-,1] save or restore file time (modification, creation, access, preserve)
-u update files
-v<n>[k|b|f|m|M|g|G] create volumes
-vd erase disk contents before creating volume
-ver[n] file version control
-vn use the old style volume naming scheme
-vp pause before each volume
-w<path> set folder for temporary files
-x<file> exclude the specified file
-x@<listfile> exclude files listed in the specified list file
-y assume Yes on all queries
-z<file> read archive comment from file