
Switch -OL[A] - process symbolic links as the link [absolute paths]

Store NTFS symbolic links and reparse points as links, so file or folder contents is not archived. Such archive entries are restored as symbolic links or reparse points when extracting. Supported for RAR 5.0 archives only.

You may need to run WinRAR as administrator to create symbolic links when extracting.

WinRAR adds all links regardless of target when archiving with -ol switch. When extracting, by default, WinRAR skips symbolic links pointing outside of destination folder, with absolute paths, excessive number of ".." in link target or with other potentially dangerous link parameters. You can enable extracting such links with -ola switch.

Links pointing to folders outside of extraction destination folder can present a security risk. Enable their extraction only if you are sure that archive contents is safe, such as your own backup.

Links that are considered safe by WinRAR are extracted always regardless of -ol or -ola switch.

Switch -ol is the command line equivalent of Store symbolic links as links option in "Archive name and parameters" dialog. Switch -ola is equal to "Allow absolute paths in symbolic links" option in extraction dialog.