
File menu

Command Shortcut Function
Open archive Ctrl+O Open the specified archive. You may also read about other methods to open an archive.
Save archive copy as...   Save a copy of archive opened in WinRAR shell to another folder.
Change drive Ctrl+D Change the current drive
Set default password Ctrl+P Set the default password. The password must be entered twice to ensure correctness. This password will be used in all archiving and extracting operations.
Copy files to clipboard Ctrl+C Copy selected archived or usual files to the clipboard. For example, you may select some files in archive, press Ctrl+C, open a folder in Explorer and press Ctrl+V to unpack selected files to that folder. You may press Ctrl+V in a text editor to paste only file names instead of file contents.
Paste files from clipboard Ctrl+V Pasting files to WinRAR initiates the archiving operation, so you may select files in Explorer and paste them to WinRAR to compress them.
Copy full names to clipboard Copy only full names of selected files or folders to clipboard, not file contents.
Select all Ctrl+A Select all files and folders
Select group Gray + Select all files and folders corresponding to an entered mask
Deselect group Gray - Deselect all files and folders corresponding to an entered mask
Invert selection Gray * Invert the selection of all files and folders
Exit Alt+F4, Ctrl+W Exit from WinRAR

Depending on "Keep archives history" option in General settings dialog, a few names of recently opened archives can be present below "Exit" command. You may use them to quickly open these archives in WinRAR.