Are you still worried about the expensive annual fee of Microsoft Office? Now, you can try the commercially free Vole Office suite. The software was recommended twice on the Hong Kong 01 website in 2020 and 2021 as a perfect alternative to Microsoft Office Word and Excel. Download: Vole Office.

还在为昂贵的微软Office年费而苦恼吗?现在,你可以尝试可免费商用的Vole Office 套件。该软件在2020 2021年两次在《香港01》网站被推荐为微软Office WordExcel的完美替代软件。下载:Vole Office    


Installer (64bit)安装程序: MSI.

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Let's take a look at Vole Seek the local edition.

再来看看Vole Seek本地版本。

See how the ancients used ginkgo biloba.


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Can pumpkin and lamb be eaten together? (The ancients said no)


What is the prescription for using rehmannia, Chinese yam, cornus and tuckahoe.


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See also:


Are you still worried about the expensive annual fee of Microsoft Office? Now, you can try the commercially free Vole Office suite. The software was recommended twice on the Hong Kong 01 website in 2020 and 2021 as a perfect alternative to Microsoft Office Word and Excel. Download: Vole Office.

还在为昂贵的微软Office年费而苦恼吗?现在,你可以尝试可免费商用的Vole Office 套件。该软件在2020 2021年两次在《香港01》网站被推荐为微软Office WordExcel的完美替代软件。下载:Vole Office    


Built by Vole PageShare 8.23.24121, Sanwhole Presents. (

Create professional stunning websites via built-in Word editor and enjoy Microsoft Office user experience.



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